Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Growing Healthy House Plants

Plants add color, life and humidity to our homes, especially during the dull days of winter. There are plants that will grow and flourish in almost all spots in your home. Here are some general guidelines for growing healthy indoor plants:

Location: Most of your success with house plants depends not on a magical green thumb, but on picking the right plant for a particular spot. The majority of house plants prefer bright indirect light, with perhaps a couple hours of direct sunlight especially in the morning. Flowering plants and those with brightly colored leaves often need 3-4 hours of direct sunlight daily. Ferns and those plants with soft, delicate leaves need protection from hot afternoon sun. Our trained staff in our Plant Shop can help you select the right plant to avoid disappointing results.

Watering: For most house plants, good drainage is essential to plant health. If you are transplanting into another container, those with drain holes work best. If your pot does not have drain holes, consider placing the plant in the decorative container without actually transplanting it. That way, if you over water, you can remove the plant and pour the water off. More plants die from over-watering than under-watering. When your first bring your plant home, check the soil each day to see how long it takes to dry out. Then you can establish a routine. Day length and temperatures will affect the amount of time between waterings. As a plant grows, it often needs watering more frequently because of lack of room in the pot for water to be stored. Most plants like to go moderately dry in between thorough waterings. There are exceptions though, so check the plant tag in your pot, or ask one of our staff for specific recommendations.

Temperatures: House plants usually enjoy temperatures between 70-75°F. daytime and 60-65°F. night. If your house temperatures drop below that, there are certain plants, like Gardenia and Camellia, that enjoy lower night temperatures. Some plants like ferns for example, will go into a rest period in lower temperatures. Slow down on the watering when the plant slows down on its growth.

Humidity: Humidity levels can vary quite a bit from one house to another. Insulation, heating systems and other factors can make house humidity levels desert-like. Plants with thick, waxy or hard leaves are usually not as susceptible to lowered humidity than delicate plants like ferns. If the humidity level is a problem in your home, select plants that do not require large humidity levels, like Ponytail Palm or Chinese Evergreen. If you want to grow more delicate plants, use pebble trays under them to help humidify the air.

Soil Mix: Most house plants need a soil mix that holds moisture but drains well, holds nutrients and provides enough support to hold the plant upright. A peat-based blend of soil or composted bark, peat moss and perlite for drainage will serve the needs of many plant types. There are groups of plants like orchids and cacti that have special requirements. Ashcombe potting soil works for most plants.

Fertilizers: There are many satisfactory fertilizers for house plants. For foliage plants, a fertilizer with a balanced formula of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, like 20-20-20- is good. for blooming plants, go with a balanced fertilizer or one that has less nitrogen (the first number in the analysis) and more phosphorus and potash. You may prefer to mix a powdered fertilizer with your water when you water your plants, or use a slow release pellet or spike. The important thing is to fertilize consistently during periods of active growth and bloom, and to cut back when plants are slowing and resting. Most green foliage plants do not need fertilizer from late November until early March if they have been fed regularly throughout the growing time.

Insects: It seems that all plants inevitably get an insect infestation much the same way we get colds and flu. Often we wonder where they came from. Insects often come into the house on our clothes in the summer and although screens keep the flies out, small insects can get in and take up residence in your fig tree. Low humidity seems to attract spider mites. Check the undersides of your plant leaves often for an infestation. Our plant staff at the store can usually make a diagnosis over the phone if you spot something crawling and you aren’t sure what it is. For tougher problems like scale, there are many good insecticides formulated just for indoor house plants. The important thing is to stop the insects before they get firmly established. Then, they may need several treatments to get rid of them.

House plants can add a wonderful atmosphere to your home and office. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the store at 766-7611 for answers on specific plant queries.

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