Monday, September 30, 2013

It's Fall Harvest Time!


Monday, September 16, 2013


Bagworms are caterpillars that form a small bag or cocoon-like pouch that hangs down on the leaves and branches of shrubs and trees. The bags are made of silk, with bits of twigs and leaves interwoven to disguise and strengthen the bag. The larvae or caterpillar eats the foliage of the plant. Their feeding can cause extensive damage to several different ornamental trees and shrubs.
Twenty species in the United States.
128 plants. Mostly Arborvitae, Juniper, Cedar, Elm, White Pine, Honeylocust, Norway Maple, Hemlock & Spruce.
If your shrubs have a small infestation, pick the bags off the plant. Put them inside a jar or coffee can and dispose of them in a garbage can. Bags left hanging on the shrub or tree contain females that can produce 500 to 1000 eggs within the bag. They will overwinter and appear the following year.
Spray with one of the following: Sevin®, Diazinon, Thuricide (Dipel), Orthene®. Pesticides vary in strength. Always read and follow label directions when using pesticides.
Spray the entire shrub. It will take 2 to 3 sprayings, with a one-week interval between each. Treatment must be made when the bags are still small. Spray in late May and early June. Late June may still be effective. August or September is too late to spray.