Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Growing Tropical Air Plants

Looking for something fun and easy to grow?

These tropical "air plants" (epiphytes) are in the Bromeliad family, genus Tillandsia.  They are first cousin to Spanish Moss; in their native habitat they live in the treetops, often among ferns and orchids.  Good air circulation and bright filtered light are essential to their environment.  Their food comes from dead leaves, bark and insect droppings that fall into the rainwater stored in the center "cup" of the plant.  As it all decays, the nutrients are absorbed by the leaves; the roots are used only for clinging to the bark.

Air plants may be wired or stapled to a piece of wood, or glued to any surface using Liquid Nails or a silicone-based glue.  They also grow well in coral or lava-rock, or can be potted in any container using bark, moss or twigs.  They should be firmly attached or wedged in order to take root, and cannot be sitting in constant moisture as this will rot the plant. 

When grown indoors, air plants need a drenching mist twice a week or a good soaking once a week.  Completely submerge the plant for awhile - even overnight is OK.  If they're kept in a container with no drain holes, shake excess water off of the plants, or turn container upside down to get rid of any standing water so the plant won't rot.  Never use chlorinated water, or water that goes through a softener.  Rain water is the best - they love to be outside during a summer rain!  Otherwise you can use well water or distilled water.  If you must use city water, let it stand overnight so the chlorine evaporates before using it.  To keep your Bromeliads healthy, fertilize once a month (half strength), or use a small amount of fertilizer every time you water.  Use any water-soluble plant food such as Miracle-Gro or Peters.  Mix at half stength with water and spray-mist all over the plant, or use it in the soaking water.  If you need an insecticide or fungicide, wettable powder is the best, and use at half-strength.

Bromeliads bloom when full grown, and then produce young plants ("pups") from among the leaves.  Separate the pups when half the size of the mother plant; pot in sphagnum moss until roots start growing, then mount them if you like.  The mother plant will slowly die, but can produce up to a dozen pups.  

Air plants need bright filtered light and should be shaded from the hot summer sun.  These are tropical plants; they will thrive with no attention hanging under a tree for the summer, but must be moved indoors before the first frost.  While inside with either heat or air conditioning on, you may need to water them more often.  Be sure to keep them out of the direct draft from the vents.  During the winter, take your plants outside on warm days (55°F); protect them from cold winds, but let them get some fresh air.  Full sun in the winter won't hurt them.  

Bromeliads are most interesting and versatile plants.  In deciding on arrangements, you are limited only by your imagination!

All Brolemiads are not air plants - many will grow only in dirt.  Others grow in the humus on top of the dirt and can adapt to being either mounted or potted.  These need additional care.

All mounted Bromeliads need their leaves and roots sprayed drenching wet twice weekly, and the center cup refilled when nearly empty.  Bromeliads in pots need the potting soil watered when nearly dry, in addition to spraying the leaves.

Time-release fertilizer (such as Osmocote) may be used on the potting soil instead of spray-feeding.

Pups should be potted in equal parts peat and perlite (add bark if needed to stabilize the plant).

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